SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <seqan3/std/concepts>
16 #include <seqan3/std/ranges>
22 namespace seqan3
23 {
27 } // namespace seqan3
29 namespace seqan3::detail
30 {
33 template <typename char_t, typename tuple_t, std::size_t ...I>
35 {
36  using std::get;
37  s << '(';
38  ((s << (I == 0 ? "" : ",") << get<I>(t)), ...);
39  s << ')';
40 }
53 template <typename tuple_t>
54 SEQAN3_CONCEPT debug_streamable_tuple = !std::ranges::input_range<tuple_t> &&
55  !alphabet<tuple_t> && // exclude alphabet_tuple_base
58 } // namespace seqan3::detail
60 namespace seqan3
61 {
69 template <typename char_t, typename tuple_t>
71  requires (detail::debug_streamable_tuple<tuple_t>)
73 inline debug_stream_type<char_t> & operator<<(debug_stream_type<char_t> & s, tuple_t && t)
74 {
75  detail::print_tuple(s, std::forward<tuple_t>(t),
77  return s;
78 }
82 } // namespace seqan3
Core alphabet concept and free function/type trait wrappers.
A "pretty printer" for most SeqAn data structures and related types.
Definition: debug_stream_type.hpp:76
The Concepts library.
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
debug_stream_type< char_t > & operator<<(debug_stream_type< char_t > &stream, alignment_t &&alignment)
Stream operator for alignments, which are represented as tuples of aligned sequences.
Definition: debug_stream_alignment.hpp:103
constexpr auto get
A view calling get on each element in a range.
Definition: get.hpp:26
The generic alphabet concept that covers most data types used in ranges.
A helper concept to avoid ambiguous overloads with the debug stream operator for alignments.
Whether a type behaves like a tuple.
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
void print_tuple(debug_stream_type< char_t > &s, tuple_t &&t, std::index_sequence< I... > const &)
Helper function to print elements of a tuple separately.
Definition: debug_stream_tuple.hpp:34
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS.
T tuple_size_v
Provides seqan3::tuple_like.